We work hard to deliver high quality educational products.

We are a Consulting Company that is focused on ensuring that Students access Higher Education facilities of their choice by providing them with the best, most up to date and reliable information.

We partner our students with Colleges & Universities that fit their profile. We work with our students every step of the way to ensure a positive and life building outcome. We work with our partners (Institutes of Higher learning: Colleges & Universities) to ensure that they have quality students and a diverse student body.

We work as a direct representative of our Partners in various countries ensuring that they have a credible Global presence. We work hard to deliver high quality educational products for our students, for our partner institutions, for corporates, for governments and whomever engages our service.



We are directly contracted to represent hundreds of Colleges & Universities globally and that in turn allows us to assist you with your application in a seamless and timely manner. Our service offering(s) for students include but are not limited to:

  • University Applications
  • Test Preparation
  • Career Counseling
  • Pre-Travel Orientation
  • Visa Application Assistance
  • University/College Matching

Client Engagement Process

  • Step 1  Needs Analysis
  • Step 2  Applications Resume
  • Step 3  Weigh and Accept Offers
  • Step 4  Apply for a Student VISA
  • Step 5  Depart For College / University!


We are focused on quality and not quantity.

We provide direct representation for Universities & Colleges globally and are contracted to hundreds of Institutions with the sole purpose of matching students with the right Institution. We are focused on quality and not quantity. Our offerings include:
  • Student Recruitment
  • Institution Representation
  • Hosting Events such as Open Houses/Varsity Fair(s)
  • Curriculum Development
  • Corporate Training
  • Conference Development(s)
  • Specialized Training
  • Technical Training Material
  • Delivery of Educational Products
Boniface Dube
Boniface Dube

The founder and Director

Mr. Boniface Dube is a serial entrepreneur, having had a hand in several start-ups in cannabis, technology, agribusiness, mining, finance, professional services and in professional sports. Boniface has been educated at the finest Universities the world has to offer and as an entrepreneur he is constantly searching for various disrupting propositions. With his insight and enterprising approach he has proved time and time again that – potential, in the right hands, is limitless.

We work with our students every step
of the way to ensure a positive and
life building outcome.


Get In Touch with us

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